U.S. Water offers advanced, cost-effective solutions to optimize the management of your facility’s wastewater processes.
Our services include wastewater treatment facility O&M, laboratory analyses, biosolids management, collection system maintenance, as well as SCADA system maintenance and monitoring. Our skilled team of licensed operators and maintenance technicians boasts years of experience and is well-equipped to handle various wastewater facilities and infrastructure.
Driven by sustainability, economics, or resource scarcity, the demand for water reuse has significantly increased in recent years. We recognize that each community is unique, and our approach is tailored to assess each client’s readiness for water reuse. U.S. Water serves as a valuable water reuse partner for communities of all sizes, leveraging our expertise to meet individual demands and requirements.
Annually, U.S. Water expertly prepares and electronically files over 7,000 wastewater reports, specifically Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) or Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Reports. These reports encompass the analysis of more than 25,000 samples, addressing parameters like Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Nitrates, Fecal Coliform, Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD), and more.